Easter Photoshooting (Part 2)

Thursday, April 11, 2013 0 comments
Sileus: Welcome to the Mad Easter Carnival....let me introduce my pretty assistants...


...and Phylis~

They will bring fun and joy to your nightmare~~~

On the other side of the Carnival...
Hesse and Fairyana went into the Bunny Garden to play with the bunnies~

Little Alice posing with the bunnies~

Cloverina has got away from the Huntsman~

Sleeping Beauty has fallen asleep again (>  A  <)

While the Wolf is flirting with the Red Riding Hood~

The shouta couples dress up in couple dress up~

Cloverina has found the bunny garden~

Meanwhile, Cyril is looking for Ruzgar~

Who could that be behind those fence~

It's Cyril~

While Ruzgar is looking out for Cyril, he's behind stalking at Ruzgar (> v <)

Ruzgar: So you are there the whole time *grins*
Cyril: Oppss...you found me (> /// <)

Ruzgar: Come over here my dear~
Cyril: (> /// <) *nods*

Cloverina looks like she is in the Vineyard ~

Red Riding Hood looks cool (> w <)b

Prince: Time to wake up my dear beauty~
Beauty: Not that you give me a kiss~~ (> 3 <)

Cyril relaxing on the grassland~

Looks like Ruzgar wants to pick the grapes (O____O)

Family Photo Time!

Last but not least, The Dolly Carnet admins wish everyone...



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